220 Crystal Prism Overlays and Backgrounds

Sevenstyles ·
6 sales

A collection of 220 high resolution crystal light prism overlays and backgrounds

How to use as overlays:

Simply import a texture into your graphics editing program and set it’s layer blend mode to either ‘Screen’, ‘Lighten’, ‘Color Dodge’ or ‘Linear Dodge (Add)’. These blend modes remove any dark details from the texture, leaving only light areas that blend seamlessly with your image.


  • Each texture is 4500 pixels +, so experiment by scaling up your imported texture and focusing on a small section to overlay rather than the entire texture.
  • Try rotating a texture to find areas that may suit your design better.
  • Combine textures by importing multiple and having each one on a separate layer.
  • Create a ‘Brightness & Contrast’ or ‘Curves’ adjustment layer above your imported textures to adjust the textures appearance. If there is too much light in your imported texture, you can reduce its brightness & contrast with adjustment layers.
  • If there is too much detail in your texture, try adding some blur to it.

Combine these textures with Prism Lens Photo Effect for Photoshop to create stunning photo prism effects.

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